Carriere di neuroscienze

L’istruzione in neuroscienze prepara gli studentiper una vasta gamma di percorsi di carriera. Dal momento cheil cervello è coinvolto in ogni importante sforzo umano. Comprendere la funzione cerebrale e la disfunzioneè fondamentale in molti campi, tra cui medicina, psicologia, legge,ingegneria, istruzione e politica pubblica. Poiché la neuroscienzaè un campo altamente interdisciplinare, gli studenti imparano a incorporare la conoscenza da molti livelli (dalle molecole all’uomo) per risolvere problemi complessi., Rigorous training in a highly relevant fieldprovides neuroscience students with a wide range of career options.

Traditional Neuroscience Careers


General term for someone who studies the nervous system.,


Studies the structure (anatomy) of the nervous system.


Studies the biology of the nervous system.,


Studies the chemistry (for example, neurotransmitters) of the nervous system.

Neurological Surgeon

An M.D. who performs surgery on the nervous system (brain, spinal, nerves).,


An M.D. who diagnoses and treats disorders of the nervous system.


An M.D. or Ph.D. who studies diseases of the nervous system.,


Studies the action of drugs on the nervous system and/or behavior.


Studies the physiology (electrical responses) of the nervous system.,


Studies brain/behavior relationships especially cognitive function.


Uses imaging methods such as X-ray, MRI, CT and angiography to diagnose diseases of the nervous system.,

Biological Psychologist

Studies the neural basis of behavior.


M.D. who diagnoses and treats mental disorders.,

Neuroscience Nurse

Nurse who cares for patients with neurological disorders and assists other neuroscience-related health care professionals.


Measures perceptual abilities.,

Electroneurodiagnostic Technician

Records electrical activity from the brain (electroencephalograms; evoked potentials) and spinal cord.

Author: admin

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